daily word - parables

Dale Cresap's picture

You know that I taught in parables. These were stories to illustrate the nature of the Kingdom of God, and you are familiar with these from the Bible. I taught in timeless imagery familiar to my audiences. Do you think that if I walked among you today I would use the same stories? Perhaps I would add new ones that spoke directly to modern experience. The parables only work if they bridge the gap between the familiar and the unfamiliar. You have to engage your audience with something they know to teach them something they don’t know. How do you present the gospel message?

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daily word - spiritual crimes?

Dale Cresap's picture

There are crimes against the law of the land, misdemeanors and felonies, and civil lawsuits. Are there other types of crime? You won’t be arrested and prosecuted for spiritual crimes, but do such things exist? In some schools of theology anything sinful would qualify, and you have a way to obtain forgiveness for your sins. What about interfering with the spiritual development of someone else; causing one of these little ones to stumble? What about those for whom the way of truth is evil spoken of? For offenses must come, but woe to him by whom the offense comes.

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daily word - high voltage

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Do you want to experience my full presence? Be careful what you ask for. Do you like having your home attached to grid power? The service to your house is about 200 volts depending on where you live. You know that there are high voltage transmission lines and these run at 12,000 to 120,000 volts and more. Do you think it would give you a superior experience of power to connect your home directly to these voltages? You know that this is a bad idea. How much of my presence can you bear? I know the answer to that question even if you don’t, and will not overpower you.

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daily word - passion

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Would you say that your life is characterized by passion? Would this make you normal or abnormal? Do you find that most people go through life going through the motions, and that you can go through life and support yourself without an inner fire? But isn’t there an inner longing for a fully engaged life, for a cause that you are so committed to that it consumes you? How many people do you know like that? Do you admire them? Are you one of them? Do you live your life with a sense of destiny? Are you listening to your soul to find out what it is asking of you? Are you prepared to respond?

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daily word - safety?

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How do you carry out the Great Commission? Do you admire the apostles for their boldness that is commended in the Bible and wish to emulate them? Have you ever encountered resistance to the gospel message? Do you find that the harder you push the harder your audience pushes back, so your efforts create resistance? How do you feel when someone is trying to persuade you? Is there anything more important than feeling safe when you encounter a different point of view?

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daily word - Pharisees?

Dale Cresap's picture

I denounced the Pharisees in my generation. Do you know anything about Pharisees other than what you read in the gospels? They were a relatively short-lived Jewish sect that took their spirituality seriously and applied it to all aspects of life. Is this last part true of you as well? What characteristics did the Pharisees have that I objected to? Even though no one goes by that title today, has anyone taken on the same characteristics to become the functional equivalent by another name? Who do you think I would identify in your current generation to criticize for hypocrisy?

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daily word - leaving church?

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How do you treat the people who leave your church? Do you cut off all communication with them? The term ‘excommunication’ is no longer in common use, but it can be applied in a practical sense that is just as effective as the formal sense. Do you reach out to them in an attempt to bring them back? Is this the only acceptable outcome for you? Is it possible that they had valid reasons for moving on, even if you don’t agree with their reasoning, or find it appropriate for yourself? Can they still be of good character and conscience?

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daily word - homeless Jesus

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I said that foxes had holes and birds had nests, but the Son of Man had nowhere to lay his head. This was my way of saying that I was homeless, not having even the same degree of secure shelter that the animals had. Do you see anything in the Bible that attaches me to a fixed address? I wandered without property, being a guest in other people’s homes, and went from a manger to a borrowed grave. What is your view of those with no means today? Do you see them as being rich in faith? Do you encourage them to rejoice because the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs?

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daily word - instruments

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You have perceptions of reality. Do you trust them? Are they always reliable? Have you ever found that you are mistaken about something you thought to be true? Student pilots are taught to believe their instruments. This lesson is emphasized because there are situations that lead to false perceptions when the instruments are correct. Have you faced similar situations in life? Pilots are fortunate to have instruments to keep them from becoming disoriented. What do you have that may conflict with your perceptions that you nonetheless accept as a reliable indicator of reality?

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daily word - holy air?

Dale Cresap's picture

Some churches use holy water in their practices. What about holy air? Air and water are both common elements and readily available, but water is more easily contained and controlled. I described the operation of the Holy Spirit by saying the wind blows where it will. The Holy Spirit is available to you but you cannot contain it. In like manner you depend on the constant availability of air to live and breathe, but you have no control over the supply. Do you recall that I animated the human race by breathing life into Adam? Do you look at breathing as a spiritual practice?

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